We have our second new moon in Taurus this morning (May 19) and it’s a very blessed day as we are removed from the eclipse vibes we had last new moon. This morning at 8:23 am, we have a new start with a fresh new moon at the late degrees of Taurus, as the sun will be moving into Gemini Sunday (May 21) at 12:09 a.m.
This late degree Taurus new moon shows a bit more movement as it starts to transition into the quick energy of Gemini and especially here on the west coast, we see this moon as a very social one. We will gain comfort with friends this weekend and we’ll see our emotional needs met through our interactions with our social groups.
This new moon highlights Tuesday’s entry of Jupiter into Taurus where it will be for the next year. Jupiter in Venus’ sign of Taurus brings us the opportunity for an amplification of our relationships as well as beauty and art around our surroundings. Taurus is a lush, sensual sign and Jupiter will do its expanding act on those areas in our lives. Taurus is also the earthiest of the signs and we could see our finances expand during this time and feel like we are getting more of what we value in our life. Aries rising folks may see some serious luck in the money arena.
We’re seeing a lot of support for all the planets during this new moon so manifest away. We have Mars and Venus together in nurturing Cancer with Mars getting set to jump into Leo on Saturday where they are much more comfortable with the fire energy. But again, this Mars and Venus being in cancer speaks to our emotional needs. Venus and the moon are in mutual reception sending huge love signals between them and blessing new endeavors that launch tomorrow. One of my close friends chose today to get married and they couldn’t have picked a better day to launch their “official” unity. We also see Mercury in Taurus in a nice aspect to Saturn, who is in Pisces, blessing structures for the spiritual evolution for the community. Adam and Tina, my friends, will have a marriage that blesses those around them as well as them both.
Journal Prompt
Enjoy this superbly positive new moon and take the opportunity to spend a bit of time journaling or mindfully setting intentions to take advantage of this delightful manifesting power. Here’s a prompt for your consideration:
What would you like to bring into physical/material existence this year?