
Beautiful New Moon in Taurus ripe for manifesting

We have our second new moon in Taurus this morning (May 19) and it’s a very blessed day as we are removed from the eclipse vibes we had last new moon.  This morning at 8:23 am, we have a new start with a fresh new moon at the late degrees of Taurus, as the sun will be moving into Gemini Sunday (May 21) at 12:09 a.m.

This late degree Taurus new moon shows a bit more movement as it starts to transition into the quick energy of Gemini and especially here on the west coast, we see this moon as a very social one.  We will gain comfort with friends this weekend and we’ll see our emotional needs met through our interactions with our social groups. 

This new moon highlights Tuesday’s entry of Jupiter into Taurus where it will be for the next year.  Jupiter in Venus’ sign of Taurus brings us the opportunity for an amplification of our relationships as well as beauty and art around our surroundings.  Taurus is a lush, sensual sign and Jupiter will do its expanding act on those areas in our lives.  Taurus is also the earthiest of the signs and we could see our finances expand during this time and feel like we are getting more of what we value in our life.  Aries rising folks may see some serious luck in the money arena. 

We’re seeing a lot of support for all the planets during this new moon so manifest away.  We have Mars and Venus together in nurturing Cancer with Mars getting set to jump into Leo on Saturday where they are much more comfortable with the fire energy.  But again, this Mars and Venus being in cancer speaks to our emotional needs. Venus and the moon are in mutual reception sending huge love signals between them and blessing new endeavors that launch tomorrow.  One of my close friends chose today to get married and they couldn’t have picked a better day to launch their “official” unity.  We also see Mercury in Taurus in a nice aspect to Saturn, who is in Pisces, blessing structures for the spiritual evolution for the community.  Adam and Tina, my friends, will have a marriage that blesses those around them as well as them both.

Journal Prompt

Enjoy this superbly positive new moon and take the opportunity to spend a bit of time journaling or mindfully setting intentions to take advantage of this delightful manifesting power.  Here’s a prompt for your consideration:

What would you like to bring into physical/material existence this year?

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Full Moon with shadow with the text, "Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Review, Rest, Release" @MamaLoveshine

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscopes

Eclipse season continues!  We have full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio happening tomorrow (May 5, 2023) morning at 10:34 a.m. Pacific time.  This full moon is the emotional processing of the solar eclipse two weeks ago and with it being in Scorpio near the moon’s south node, it’s all about releasing emotional sludge.  This is the last eclipse with the south node in Scorpio until 2040 so it is primed for some big sweeping away of emotional baggage that has developed over the last 18 months. 

The solar eclipse two weeks ago showed us the start to ending something and its now time to sweep away the emotional processing of that ending to clear the way for bringing in new opportunities and beginnings in our lives.  It’s always important to properly grief endings and many beautiful beginnings arise after an emotionally hard ending.  We must honor what was lost and grieve it, not just mentally but in the heart and through the body.

Release Emotional Sludge

I’m going to be doing a cleansing bath tomorrow morning to physically wash away those thoughts and feelings that are tied to the past.  Even when we have a beautiful, exciting new beginning ahead of us, there is a sorrow to what is lost and now of the past.  An example from my life is my children are grown up and moving into a new realm of autonomy that is wonderful to see but as a parent, there are heartstrings attached to when our children were little and would crawl up in our laps and snuggle as close as they could to us.  It’s a beautiful, cherished memory but important to release so as to not bind our children to us when they are ready to fly.   

Retrograde Time

Since the solar eclipse, we’ve also seen two planets turn retrograde encouraging us to review and renew.  Mercury turned retrograde on April 21 and will stop and turn direct on May 14.  Pluto stopped and turned backwards on May 1 and will now review the beginning of its time in Aquarius until June 11 when it backs up into Capricorn. 

This first half degree in Aquarius that Pluto has slipped its orbit into since March 23 gives us a glimpse of what the next 40 years of Pluto in Aquarius will be about.  Pluto will go back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for the next couple years, slowly bringing in a new generation.  These six weeks of Pluto reviewing the beginning of Aquarius gives us some time to process and review this brand-new world we are emerging into.  Did anyone see that the New York police department has added robot dogs to its patrol team?  Could the art of Robocop become our new reality? 

Something I noticed was that the day after Pluto went retrograde in this first degree of Aquarius, Geoffrey Hinton, one of the first artificial intelligence developers, resigned from his decade long position at Google in order to freely talk publicly about the dangers of this rapidly growing technology.  AI is becoming a reality and will likely be the major figure in the Pluto in Aquarius years.  I wonder where we will be when Pluto moves into Pisces in 2043.

Venus and Jupiter Change Signs

We also have a couple planets changing signs over the next couple weeks.  Venus will move into nurturing, homebody Cancer on May 7. You may have been looking at your relationships more intellectually the last month with Venus in Gemini and you’ll be moving into the heart center as Venus comes into the Moon’s sign.  Jupiter is also on the move as it made a super quick jaunt through Aries and will move into slow and steady Taurus on May 16.  Prepare for Jupiter to bring in some lush, beautiful possibilities.  The last weeks of the Sun being in Taurus will be quite the Venusian party with four planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus) hanging out in Venus’ luxurious sign.

Horoscopes by Sign

Here are your horoscopes for this new moon cycle.  Please read for your rising sign (Ascendant) if you know it, otherwise your sun sign will do:


Sometimes values change, it’s usually a slow change that you don’t necessarily notice until it’s reflected through your social groups. You may find yourself going in a different direction from those you have affiliated with in the past.  There can be a sense of loss when you realize that your life trajectory no longer lines up with some of your social groups. Grieve and release those connections that no longer fit in your life and welcome in the new band of supporters that are emerging.


This is the season of you, and you’ve been going through some identity changes.  There are possible career changes being talked about or you’re considering a different way of presenting yourself to the world. You may need to release some of your expectations or dependencies on a partner or close ally in order to fully realize how amazing you are as an individual.


Something that was hidden was revealed during the last couple weeks that has required some processing from you.  This revelation allows for a new beginning, but you’ll want to find ways to process and move the emotions of it through you.  In your case, taking care of your health through exercise, and incorporating healthy habits, will assist in moving the emotional sludge out of your system.  Inspiration and hope are there to support this new beginning.


This full moon is a time to release your emotional sludge through creative endeavors.  Draw, paint, write, sing, it’s all good for your soul. You’re seeing some endings and beginnings in your social life and may be changing up who you are hanging out with.  Pluto stationing retrograde has some messages for you from the other side.  Give your intuition space and review the messages you receive.


Leo, you’re seeing some changes in your career and public life.  There may be a job you left or need to leave to make room for the new opportunities that are coming your way.  You may find a supportive partner is key to some of these changes.  Cleaning and cleansing your home will help move that emotional sludge out of you, allowing you to come into your new opportunities baggage free.


Your belief system is getting an overhaul this eclipse season.  You may be revisiting past beliefs and having new epiphanies that are changing your usual unchanging beliefs.  There can be a grief that comes from sluffing off the outdated beliefs that are no longer resonating with your inner truth.  Journaling and speaking your truth will help you move those feelings through you.  Don’t let them remain trapped within you, write or talk it out to help you process the messages you are receiving.  Make sure to take time to exercise as well as your health is going to be important during these Pluto in Aquarius years.


Your finances are seeing transformation this eclipse season.  You may have some new opportunities revealing themselves with the support of someone else’s money.  There is likely something ending that is granting that opportunity. You may have some outdated views on money and your personal resources that you need to let go of to take in the bounty that awaits you.


Someone new may be coming into your life so its important to process any emotional fall out from past relationships to make a clean emotional slate for your next ride or die.  The feelings on this are very personal and come from the deepest part of you as an individual but deep is your middle name Scorpio.  Home is a source of transformation for you. Take some time to cleanse both yourself and your home during this full moon.


Your daily routines are all over the place this eclipse season Sagittarius.  Every time you think you have a new routine, something comes along to disrupt it. Let those frustrations go this full moon as a new routine will come into being that works for you, but you have to disengage from trying to go back to what worked in the past.  Delve into what you have tried to keep hidden from yourself and let it go. Writing and talking with family can be a pathway to transformation.


A new hobby or passion may be in order this eclipse season Capricorn.  Your resources are well spent on finding a new outlet for your passion. You may need to release outdated thoughts and feelings about your social groups, they will support you in your new endeavors, you just need to be up front and honest about what makes your soul sing.


This eclipse season is really highlighting changes at home for you Aquarius and sacrifices that may have to be made in your career or public life to accommodate those changes at home.  There is an end to part of your home situation that will open the door to something new, be sure to release any regrets or stored emotions so you can see the situation clearly.  You are entering a season of self-transformation and the clearer you can be emotionally and energetically, the smoother the ride.


There are some secrets being revealed surrounding your relatives or neighbors that may be opening a new chapter in your relationship with them.  Release your old views of those relatives or neighbors and allow yourself to see them anew.  Watch for messages from your own inner guidance of how to move forward with a fresh, new perspective.

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Black background with a full moon rising. Upon the face of the full moon is the shadow of people sitting and chatting. The text reads, "Balance. Happy Libra Full Moon, April 5, 2023, 9:34 pm Pacific"

Full Moon in Libra Horoscopes

Tonight’s full moon (April 5) is an opportunity to reflect and balance all this new energy that has come charging in with the start of spring. This full moon in Libra is a huge reflective mirror for the Aries energy coming off the sun and in that reflection, the energy is softened and reflected with the moon in Libra’s themes of relationships, diplomacy, and fairness.  We all jumped into our many spring projects with the new moon in Aries burst of energy, now is the time to diplomatically consider what is sustainable of those new projects.  Now is the time to bring your new projects into a balance with all parts of your life. While we still have that cardinal “let’s get it started” energy with this full moon, now we’re looking at these goals with more thought over action and how we can sustain the energy needed for the projects while also tending to all the other parts of your life. 

As the sign of Libra is ruled by Venus, this full moon is taking cues from Venus who is at home in its sign of Taurus.  Venus is at a 60 degree angle in the sky to Neptune which gives Venus a more dreamy quality.  Venus is encouraging the moon to find ways to morph that sun energy into fuel for our dreams.  Aries energy tends to burn out quickly and this full moon in Libra is the opening to add more sustaining power to our spring goals and dreams. 

How do you figure out how to sustain this energy?  Talk it out!  The planet of communication and quick-thinking, Mercury, is in Taurus as well and in a position to really help you figure your way through any barriers or roadblocks that may have raised their heads in your dream pursuits.  Talk with a friend or journal your way through those perceived boundaries and find your staying power.

Another big day for propelling your goals is coming up on April 11 when Jupiter joins the Sun in Aries.   Jupiter brings expansion, optimism, luck and good fortune to the party with the Sun, supercharging that Aries propellant energy.  We see Saturn, the planet of foundations and boundaries, talking with the serious moon in Capricorn at this time as well, adding some earthly, material footing for your dreams and pursuits.  There is a fated feel to this day. Tune in to what is easily flowing this day.  It may even feel like a gift or you’ll notice something coming so easy and naturally for you.  That’s the universe giving you the green light to go in that direction. 

Horoscopes by Sign for this Full Moon Cycle

Here are your horoscopes for this full moon cycle.  Please read for your rising sign (Ascendant) if you know it, otherwise your sun sign will do:


 This full moon is a prime time to take in what your partner or close friend is reflecting to you.  Take a moment to see yourself from their perspective for some insight on where to focus your energy next.  You’ve got opportunities these next couple weeks to really grow as an individual and you may find yourself reaffirming what you value most and what core values and resources you need to bring more into your life.  On April 11, be bold and be you.  Know you will be supported in any actions you need to take at home to be more authentically you.


This full moon is a time to focus on you and your self-care.  The hectic spring energy of the sun in Aries can be unsettling to you and this full moon is an opportunity to balance the last couple weeks of too fast, too furious energy.  What health routines can you recommit to for balance in your life?  The story of the month for you is communication.  Whether you write in a journal, start therapy or deep talk with your friends, you will be feeling a great need to communicate and get your thoughts out.  The planet of communication Mercury is travelling through your first house for this month and there will be a time of reviewing these epiphanies when Mercury stations retrograde on 21.


Oh Gemini, honey, your social life has been off the charts since spring hit!  You may have found some new friend groups and been all in with them while the energy has been popping.  This full moon will give you some reflection on what new relationships have staying power.  Go out and play with these new friends, do something creative, see who is in it for the long haul with you.  Meanwhile, don’t forget about your personal life and self-care, take some time to journal in your quiet moments and dream about what you want to attract into your life.


You’ve felt a surge of energy in your professional life since the start of spring and you may have been putting all your time into your career and raising your public standing.  Now is a time to focus on the home, pull it back and find balance between work and home life.  Balance is the key for sustaining your energy and the strides you have made in your public life.  You may get some good news about your career on April 11!  Your friend group is a great source of grounding for you.  Make some friend dates these next couple weeks to chat it up! 


Spring has found you doing research or gaining new education to inform your spring projects.  You may have been travelling or had some legal matters come up as well these last couple weeks.  This full moon is one to find balance with your daily routines to make sure you are working on your inner light as much as your outer.  Focus on your communication over the next month with the intent on being gentle and understanding rather than just pushing your own agenda.  Listen to others and mirror that you understand their needs and you may find yourself in a more powerful position in your career. 


Spring energy is fun and exciting but after the initial energy surge, it can be a depleting feeling for you.  This full moon asks you to take note of your resources and what you value.  Find a balance of what you give and what you keep for yourself.  The old adage that you can’t give from an empty cup is a mantra you need to have Virgo, especially as people come to you with many new ideas that you’d love to be involved with.  Spend time journaling, researching and getting some education before you say yes to new projects.  Really focus on what matters to you and make sure you are prioritizing your time for your core values.


You’re such a relationship person Libra.  So much so that you often forget yourself in the process.  These first couple weeks of spring have brought renewed energy to your relationships, and you have been the attentive friend, spouse, business partner.  This full moon is about you! Giving is energizing and good but take stock that those that you adore are reciprocating energy back to you.  It’s not a one-way street.  Take stock of what habits bring you back to your own essence and make those a priority for your own self-care.  Your social life will continue to flourish if you spend a little time just on you. 


You’ve been pouring this spring energy into your health and work, and you may find that this full moon is calling you to sit with yourself and just be.  As a water sign, you can get whirl-pooled up with too much activity and that Aries spring energy has you making moves and shaking things up.  Take this full moon to delve into those depths you love and make sure you’re balancing your sensitive soul.  You need quiet after the flurry of spring activity to reflect on what the gold of this springtime bounty is so you can focus your energy there and not be fragmented among too many projects and plans. Down-to-earth conversations with your partners will feel extra fulfilling this month.  Be honest and genuine and state your needs, you will be heard.


You’ve been so busy feeling good Sagittarius, the spring energy has been a boost, reminding you to play and have a good time which is your birthright as a sign ruled by happy bountiful Jupiter.  This full moon reminds you to reconnect with your friend groups. Are there some friends you’ve been out of touch with from all this go – go – go spring energy?  Reach out to them, reconnect, it will feel good and help you balance. Keep working on making steady changes to your health routines and creating a safe haven at home. Home is a place of safety and dreams for you this month. 


You’ve been working on projects at home for springtime and it may be moving in directions you didn’t plan. Take some time away from home and emerge back into the world this full moon though you may be feeling a bit agitated over all right now. If you are feeling out of sorts, take some time to creatively journal or draw to get in touch with what you truly want.  You may not feel creative but allow yourself some play time and communicate how that feels in a journal or to a friend.  Build some habits and day to day structure to dream and consider what you want to bring into being.  The frantic Aries energy of the sun right now can be off putting to you.  Keep yourself grounded.


This spring energy has you running so many errands and doing short journeys about town.  You may be helping neighbors or siblings, perhaps including them in your projects.  The full moon invites you to broaden your scope and consider a bigger picture than what you’ve been busy with these last couple weeks.  Is there an area of study that you wish you had time for? A long journey you’ve been thinking about taking?  Legal work you keep putting off? Draw your view outside your personal community and consider your place in the world at large. How can you balance community projects with more global interests you may have? Pluto coming into your sign is a time of transformation for you.  Be deliberate with your choices and make sure you are balanced and not falling asleep in your day-to-day life.


Pisces you’ve got money on your mind and your mind on money.  Resources have likely been a topic for you since spring hit.  Taxes brought your attention to those finances and now they are there in your head. During this full moon, look to what other resources you have outside yourself. Are there other people or places where you can find support so you’re not feeling all on your own? Journaling will come naturally for you this month and with your overflowing of feelings, it’s always good to get your thoughts out of your head and heart and onto a page or into an ear of a sibling or good neighbor.

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Aries New Moon Horoscopes

 Today, we have a unique moment in that we have a new moon in Aries at 00 degrees.  As the first sign of the zodiac, the sun moving into Aries signals the start of a new astrological year and with a new moon within 24 hours of the start of the new year, we have a wonderful opportunity to set intentions for the upcoming growing cycle.

Spring feels like such a stronger start point for the year as it is when birth occurs.  The seeds that were lying dormant in the ground during the winter begin to sprout and start the life that was contemplated during the dark months.  This is the time to take action on all those plans we thought and dreamed about during the first months of this calendar year. 

Here are your horoscopes for this new moon cycle.  Please read for your rising sign (Ascendant) if you know it, otherwise your sun sign will do:


Reinvent yourself! This is your time to shine Aries. What new versions of yourself have you been dreaming up that you’re ready to act on? Cut your hair, get some new clothes and put the focus on you.  Step into the new you.


Where have you got in your own way? Lay down the self judgement and delve into your authentic self. Spend some time in meditation and use your Taurean energy to really feel in your body what feels right. Is there some spiritual practices you have been considering?  This month is a great one to set up a regular personal devotional time.


Hey Gemini, you’ve been reviewing why you do the things you do since last August and you’re about to get a break when Mars moves out of Gemini this Saturday, March 25. This spring is a great time to focus on who you hang out with.  Are there some friends you been thinking about but not reaching out to?  Don’t hesitate! Call them up and set something up.  They will breathe new life into you.


You always shine Leo but you can burn a bit brighter and hotter during Aries season.  The fiery energy of Aries is natural to you and can help you take initiative rather than stay in your comfort zone.  Have you been interested in learning something new but haven’t been ready to start?  Now is the time.  Is there a big trip you’ve been wanting to plan but hesitating?  Take the time to plan it now!


Aries season for Virgos can be a time to let things go so your energy can go into your new projects. Focus on your mental health this month and what new endeavors you can do that supports that self-care. Look at past wounds as opportunities to start anew with the hard-earned wisdom of those wounds.


Springtime is a time of love for you and a focus on your partner or other close relationships.  Try not to think too much about the past or future of those relationships but to be present with those people and enjoy them in the moment. Go with your gut and be spontaneous with your partner ramping up the passion and joy for your relationship.


Been feeling a little sluggish? Spring is here and it’s a great time to change your health routines.  Try new ways to exercise that are more joyful to you. Focus on what you need to feel healthy.  Make it about you and feel how present you are when you are taking care of you! It’s also a good time to switch up work routines to add some freshness to your day-to-day jobs.Been feeling a little sluggish? Spring is here and it’s a great time to change your health routines.  Try new ways to exercise that are more joyful to you. Focus on what you need to feel healthy.  Make it about you and feel how present you are when you are taking care of you! It’s also a good time to switch up work routines to add some freshness to your day-to-day jobs.


Time to play and be creative Sagittarius.  Embrace the child within and try new ways of expressing yourself and playing.  Your ruling planet Jupiter is in Aries too and is pushing you to expand your spontaneous moments of joy through play.  Could pickleball be calling your name?


You are called to engage in some spring cleaning of your home this month.  Spontaneously buy a couple new things for your home that will bring in new joy and passion.  Don’t overthink your choices but embrace the moment when deciding how you want to set up your home for the next year.  Some new plants might be a nice addition!


Some fresh takes on your daily routines will give you a burst of energy.  This spring is a great time to start journaling if you haven’t been doing so.  With Pluto moving into your sign on Thursday, you will be accessing some transformational information by becoming present and tuning in to your intuition.


You’re not a big money person but spring is a good time to take charge of your finances and make a financial plan for the upcoming year. Tax time forces one to get in touch with their financial plan and you can take that Aries drive to get it done so you can focus on other things throughout the year.

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Cartoon renderings of the planets of Mars and Venus are in the top cornors of the illustration with an animated cartoon Leo roaring “Yass!” Text reads, “Venus and Mars come together for the Leo Full Moon. @MamaLoveshine.”

Venus and Mars come together for the Leo Full Moon

The sky during this morning’s full moon in Leo has a special configuration as Venus and Mars join together in the sign of Capricorn.  These planets traditionally associated with the masculine and feminine coming together blurs the lines and boundaries of the social construct of gender.  This configuration is the celestial manifestation of gender fluidity as the ebb and flow of masculine and feminine energies is within all of us. The feeling we get from this astrological pairing helps us see that gender is merely a social construct.   This Leo moon reminds us to shine our light and take pride in our personal identity.  As the moon reflects the Aquarius sun, it reminds us that we are one community.  We are all spirits having a human experience and the diversity of individuals and their self-expressions is what gives the world its beauty. Shine your truth and support your fellow humans as they shine their personal truths as well.  Full Moon is exact at 8:56 am PST.

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: Photo of the Full Moon in the night sky with clouds and trees framing it. At the bottom is a cartoon of a crab in front of a full moon. The text reads, “Full Moon in Cancer, 3:48 PM Pacific, January 17, 2022, @MamaLoveshine.”

Reflections during the Full Moon In Cancer January 17, 2022

Today’s full moon is all about those feels as the moon is in Cancer. Our big intentions we set at the new moon at the first of the year are still there but have gone through a review period.  We have been reviewing our relationships and how they affect where we wish to go individually.  COVID has certainly required us, once again, to slow down our plans and reflect.  We may be feeling that frustration of yet another year starting out with circumstances so beyond our control.  It’s a good time to reflect on how we deal with life’s challenges and those things that we can’t control.  How do we roll with what is put in front of us?  The Sun is still in a close conjunction with Pluto encouraging and perhaps forcing us to transform and grow.  We are not who we used to be after two years living through a pandemic.  We have all experienced loss. We need to feel that grief and embrace our new selves.  Mercury has also gone retrograde this week so it’s also a good time to review our communication style as well as our relationship with technology.

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Image of the Full Moon above lavender colored clouds with the text, “Rejoice. Full Moon in Gemini, 8:35 p.m. Pacific, @MamaLoveshine.”

The last Full Moon of the year tonight at 8:35 p.m. Pacific

The full moon is a time of culmination and that is certainly the theme for tonight’s full moon in Gemini at 8:35 p.m. Pacific time.  Over the past 18 plus months, many of us have been challenging and questioning our long-held beliefs and philosophies as we have dealt with the ever-changing landscape of a worldwide pandemic.  There have been many crises of faith as we have suffered so many heart retching losses. Tonight’s full moon is a time to reflect on how your beliefs have evolved and rejoice in the hard-fought philosophical gains you have made during these unprecedented times.  Your spiritual or philosophical evolution has put you exactly where you are meant to be as we prepare for the new year as the sun is reborn on winter solstice Tuesday morning.

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Picture of Sun and Moon overlapping with text "Solar Eclipse 11:42 PM PDT, 12/3/21, @MamaLoveshine

Happy, Joyful Eclipse opens up the holiday season

This evening we will have a solar eclipse for the new moon in Sagittarius.  The peak of the eclipse will be at 11:42 pm Pacific time, December 3 but will only be viewable near the south pole of the world.  Eclipses are intense energy that can be very unpredictable, so it is recommended that you suspend any formal rituals or magic workings on this evening.  This eclipse is one of great possibility and is part of a series of eclipses that brings joyful, beneficial peak experiences.  It is up to us and where we place our focus as we go into this new cycle and the eclipse energy that will be set for the next 6 months.  With the new moon being ruled by Jupiter and Neptune going direct in Pisces, this is a time to dream big positive dreams of how we would like to expand, especially our spiritually and philosophy.  With eclipse occurring on the south node of the mode, it is a time of letting go and removing obstacles from our life that may interfere with the dreams and visions we are creating and invoking in our lives.  This is a time to look within for your inner truth and be guided by your own compass not the media talk boxes that are constantly in our ears these days.  In our duality world, there is always a counterpoint to any positive energy.  The danger of Jupiterian energy, such as today’s eclipse, is one of fanaticism, being so sure in your own beliefs that you try to force those views on others.  What may be true for you does not mean it is true for others.  In order to respect your own sovereignty, you must respect the sovereignty of others. 

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Full moon image on black ground with the text, “Transform. Break through personal barriers by allowing endings and moving in a new direction. @MamaLoveshine

Transformative Full Moon at 7:56 a.m. PDT on October 20, 2021

Tomorrow morning’s full moon can be transformative as Pluto has been having quite the conversation with the Sun and Mars this week.  The full moon is happening at 27 degrees of Aries as it directly opposes the Sun in Libra, a position of fall for the sun as it is losing it light going into the dark half of the year.  You may feel this full Moon even more intensely if you have personal planets in your birth chart within a degree or two of 27 degrees depending on the angles those natal planets in your personal birth chart make with the Sun and Moon.

We come into this full moon with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury all finishing their retrograde cycles throughout this month and now all forging ahead in the sky.  The result is a go-getting cardinal Aries full moon where breakthroughs and forward movement may come on something that has been stuck for a while. 

But Pluto is the real change maker in tomorrow’s full Moon as it just formed a conflicting square aspect with the Sun on Sunday and is moving into another challenging square with Mars on Thursday.  Squares represent challenges and confrontations between planets.  They are not directly opposed but giving each other a “side-eye.”  Think of the phrase “squaring off” against someone in a competitive way. 

Pluto is about power, death, destruction and the transformation that comes from that.  Something must end before something begins.  This energy is “squaring off” against a Mars energy in Libra, again a sign which is losing light and weakening.  Libra is a place where Mars is weakened as it is the sign opposite Mars’ home of Aries.  The Moon in Mars’ home sign of Aries emotionally wants to see things move forward and some action to take place.  Mars wants to support that action but may be more thoughtful about its actions.  Mars is making a positive aspect to Jupiter which suggests a positive forward movement.  So, it is a time where if you face your challenges honestly and let go of what may have been a barrier for you, you will find some forward momentum in a new direction. 

Mars/Pluto interactions can lead to some anger issues so focus on meeting people with love and kindness.  You may feel your anger fuse is short, stay aware of your mood and focus inward if you feel your irritation building.  This moon will bring break throughs for those who focus on their own journeys and how they can push through personal barriers rather than focusing on external irritants and injustices. 

Enjoy our big, beautiful night light tonight and prepare as we in the northern hemisphere collectively descend into the dark half of the year. 

Transformative Full Moon at 7:56 a.m. PDT on October 20, 2021 Read More »