
Cartoon image of Lion with text "New Moon in Leo, Shine, Mama, Shine, Set an intention to manifest your authentic shining self! @MamaLoveshine"

Shine, Mama, Shine — New Moon in Leo August 8, 2021

New Moons are always a good time to set intentions.  As the moon births anew from complete darkness, we can start a fresh beginning in our lives as well.  Today’s new moon in Leo is especially potent for pushing forward a new path that fulfills us on a personal actualization level.  Leo is ruled by the Sun and marks a time to shine brightly as your authentic self. 

Today is a good day to carve out some time to focus on yourself and what you would like to manifest in your life that would fulfill you on a personal, creative level.  Though the pandemic has been a major upset to our lives, it has forced us to focus on what our priorities are.   Some of us have been blessed with the gift of time and quiet during lock down to question the direction our life is going and whether that is in line with our soul purpose.  Many of us may have come into touch with our soul purpose through that quiet time. 

Essential workers, I see you, and know you have not had a moment of quiet during these days.  Yet, through that state of overwork and exhaustion, some insights may have come to you about what YOU need to be fulfilled in this lifetime.

Now is the time to act upon those insights!  This is a powerful manifesting time.  Spend time today making a plan of how to start or make your next step into a life that is creative and fulfilling for you personally.  It’s a time to be selfish and think of what YOU need.  Give yourself permission to be concerned about yourself today rather than your loved ones and those under your care. 

The sun has been receiving some challenging energy from Uranus the last few days.  Uranus brings sudden change, insights and possible upheaval.  Take note of any jolts to your life the last couple days as those are messages from the universe that can help you hone in your vision for today’s manifesting intention. 

You were born to shine!  Take steps today to gift yourself, and subsequently the world, with your light.

August 8 is also the “Lion’s Gate Portal.”  For more information on this must talked about portal, check out Lisa Stardust’s  article at

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Cartoon of a heart with the text, "New Moon in Cancer is a time to FEEL, @MamaLoveshine"

Feel It! This evening’s New Moon in Cancer

We are on the threshold of the summer’s first new moon at 6:16 p.m. Pacific, with the moon being in her home sign of Cancer.  We embark tonight on a fresh emotional slate, a new period to honor our emotions.  It is of utmost importance that you embrace what you are feeling and honor that emotional intelligence within yourself.  Your emotions and thus intuition informs the direction you should take this moon cycle and sets the emotional tone of your upcoming year. 

You may find what you are feeling tonight surprising or unexpected.  This is due to the moon making a favorable aspect to unpredictable Uranus.  Embrace that unexpected direction.  The moon is also talking to dreamy, intuitive Neptune so it is wise to honor those “gut” feelings no matter how surprising they may be.

This moon carries with it the ability to transform as it will move into a challenging aspect with Pluto over the next couple days.  Transformation can be difficult but often results in the birth of a wiser, more authentic you.  Accept the uncomfortable feelings and the nudges to change situations that are out of line with your self-care needs.  All new beginnings birth from darkness, allow yourself to birth a more nurturing home and sanctuary as the moon begins anew this evening. 

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Investigate your feelings during tonight’s Full Moon in Scorpio

The full moon this evening at 8:31 p.m. Pacific Time is a powerful one and one that will not be ignored.  The pink super moon is closer to the earth thus putting on quite a light show as it reflects the opposing sun upon our evening and our souls.  The moon is in the sign of Scorpio, a weaker placement for her.  Scorpio digs into the depths of your soul and will likely bring up some emotional baggage you have been hanging onto and need to face and release.  It’s best to allow yourself the time today to reflect on those emotional disturbances as this bright moon, reflecting a fixed beam of light from the Sun in steady Taurus will be relentless in its probing.   

The sun is reflective of your soul’s journey to self-actualization and this moon may serve to dirge into the depths of how you are holding yourself back from that mission.   In what ways are you giving your power away in your emotional reactions?  The steady Taurus Sun provides a handle of strength to lean on as you delve into those parts of yourself that you tend to avoid. 

Today is an important time to consider how your actions will affect those around you as any harm you cause will come back to you in some form in the future.  With the emotional back drop to the day, the possibility of emotionally hurting others with your actions is strong.  Do your best to manage your emotions before reacting today. 

There is potential for a surprising tilt to the day.  Let go of other’s transgressions and focus on the lesson there for yourself to make the day tilt towards a potential epiphany.

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It’s go time with the New Moon in Aries

It’s go time for your true life purpose.  You’ve likely been feeling the build up of energy these past few weeks as the sun moved into the sign of Aries marking the start of spring.  Now as we get to the last third of the Sun’s time in Aries this year, we have a new moon in Aries marking a great time to start a new path or project.  Our planet of action Mars is in a favorable position to the sun and moon showing that the energy is there to support our new starts.  Mars is in the sign of Gemini giving us lots of ideas and paths we could take.   It’s important to be authentic and follow your own path at this time and not one that you think you “should” take.  Venus is also in action-oriented Aries but is being challenged by Pluto, the planet of death and transformation.  Fake actions will not end well.  Doing something that is not in connection with your true self will not bring the results you hope for.  Follow your heart and your love. Trust that your world will transform around your true passion. 

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Graphic of Moon phases with the text, "Full Moon in Libra, 11:48 a.m. Pacific, Finalize your spring goals with the energy of this full moon. @MamaLoveshine"

Finalize your spring goals with today’s Full Moon

Today’s full moon in Libra reaches its fullness at 11:48 a.m. Pacific.  Though the moon is in balanced, thoughtful Libra it is opposite the sun and Venus in Aries.  This gives this full moon a fiery energy.  The moon in Libra looks to Venus for direction as she rules the sign of Libra.  Venus is next to the Sun in the sky and picks up that fierce, driven energy of Aries.  This is a time when it will become clear what your next desire is and you will have the drive to go fiercely after that desire, be it a relationship, career move, or personal goal.  Tap into that spring Aries energy to manifest your dreams and use the discerning, contemplating moon energy to determine the best moves to reach your goal.  With the fiery energy of this full moon, be cautious in your relationships not to be too pushy or quick to argue.  You may feel like any suggestion that varies from your vision is a personal assault on your goals.  It is not, you just feel very passionate about where you want to go right now.  It is a great time to dream but remain discerning and balanced in your approach. 

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Planets on a blue background with the text, "Set a path for your own evolution, new moon in Aquarius, @MamaLoveshine"

New Moon in Aquarius February 11, 2021

Today’s new moon in Aquarius finds itself at the late degrees of a 6 planet stellium in Aquarius thus amplifying that Aquarian energy as we set this cycle’s intention during the birth of the new moon.  There is much debate among astrologers as to when the Age of Pisces ends, and the Age of Aquarius begins.  As a studying astrologer, I do not wish to go against those with much more experience than I and say definitively that we are entering that new Age.  But, after December’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and today’s emphasis that features a Jupiter/Venus conjunction, Aquarian themes are at the forefront of the planet’s collective.

It is a time to be innovative, idealistic, imaginative, and inventive.  This is emphasized with the square aspect that Uranus is making today to Aquarius’ traditional ruler of Saturn.  Many modern astrologers will give Aquarius rulership in Uranus as well which makes this conversation between Saturn and Uranus especially interesting.  Uranus sits in the strength and beauty of earthly Taurus but both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs.  Thus, there may be a tendency to be a bit too rigid in our thinking.  You may feel fixed in your opinions and that your way is the “right” way for things to be done while others who disagree with you are wrong.  Be careful not to be inflexible.  Be gentle and patient as you focus your personal intuition to see where you can be innovative within your own life. 

We are currently in a Mercury retrograde until February 20 so communication may be crisscrossed, and technology may have a mind of its own.  I have seen some talk in the media villainizing technology.  Comedian Bill Maher claimed on his program last week that phones were “ruining” the youth.  Everything has a positive and negative side.  Do your best not to dwell on the problems of technology that you miss the benefits and beauty of living with the advanced technology we have.  Thanks to technology we can still communicate and have some sort of human connection while keeping the most vulnerable safe from the current pandemic.  As above, so below.  All manners are the balance of opposites.  We are best to not over emphasize what we judge as “good” or “bad.”  The sweet spot is the spot of balance which we are reminded of by the favorable trine today’s Aquarian planets have with the north node of moon, indicating that through balance we can evolve into a diplomatic and humanitarian future. 

What is your role in this evolution?  Consider that today, February 11 as the moon births anew at 11:05 a.m. Pacific.

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Image of a Moon sitting on a cloud with the words "January 12, 2021 at 9 p.m. PST, Happy New Moon in Capricorn

It’s a New Moon in Capricorn January 12, 2021

As we approach the new moon that is happening this evening at 9 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, I am treating today as a cleansing day.  As the moon completely dies out of light tonight in preparation of birthing itself anew this evening, it is a good time to wash away and let die out that which you wish to leave in the past.  To me, this feels like the true washing away of last year.  We are finishing and releasing the cycle that started during last January 24. 

As we wash away the last year, we focus on the new that is born this evening.  The world is in quite the state right now, especially for those of us in the United States.  The last week, we have lived through events like we have never seen in our lifetimes.  This is a delicate moment, a moment when we must all individually decide how to approach the coming months.  Do we approach in a state of fear or in a state of love? 

Today’s new moon chart speaks to me of change.  We see the paths of possible conflict in the chart with war planet Mars squaring Saturn’s physical limitations and status quo.  The misty planet Neptune of dreams and illusions sits at the bendings of the moon’s nodes.  The planet of our communication and mental gymnastics Mercury is having a hard conversation with Uranus, the planet of innovation, eccentricity, and Revolution. 

There is a lot of potential for conflict both in words and deeds.  We are wise to embody the positive energy of the moon and sun coming together in Capricorn to help us through these times.  Capricorn is an ambitious sign that is responsible, hardworking, cautious, capable of sustained action and successful in its pursuits.  Capricorn energy from a state of fear presents as unemotional, cold and guarded. 

This Capricorn energy is the grounding rod to get us through these trying times.  Remain rooted, strong, and face the days before us with a heart of love.

Astrological chart for January 12, 2021

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Yuletide hearth with fire burning and holiday tree with ornaments

Yuletide Greetings for a special Solstice

May you find some time to rest and reflect today as we honor the winter solstice.  Astrologically, the winter solstice is when the sun ingresses into Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. 

Winter solstice is a time of rest and renewal.  It is the darkest day of the year encouraging the next crop’s seeds to incubate in that darkness.  As the sun is reborn in the coming months, the seeds that we incubate in the season’s darkness will sprout and grow.  What are you seeding for your coming year?

We can feel the season in our ancestral bones as we all descend from agricultural societies. We are still dependent on that land for survival in our modern day though we may not be the ones personally tending and harvesting the land. This connection to the land and our ancestors carries forward as we respect and honor the seasons and the agriculturally based holiday times of our ancestors.

This winter solstice is especially powerful as a time to set intention for the coming year and beyond.  Today we are also seeing the Great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which only happens every 20 years.  The conjunction today marks the beginning of a new era as the two planets conjoin at 00 degrees Aquarius. For the last 200 years, the conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn have happened in earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) except for one in the 80s which was in the air sign of Gemini serving as a herald for the ushering in of the new age of Air that we are now fully crossing the threshold of.   

Over the next 200 years, we will see our society change from a very earth centered material world, into a more technology based, community-based society.  We are planting those seeds on this darkest day of the year and will watch them start to sprout over the coming years. This change will be slow, methodical and follow the rules of Jupiter and the structural limitations of Saturn. 

Take some time to reflect today on what you want to bring forth in the coming year.  What do you want to expand in your world that will take discipline to accomplish?  Now it is the time to do what you may have been putting off but you know is your destiny.  Leave what doesn’t serve you behind and step forward into a new age of yourself.  Enjoy the restorative long night of darkness and nurture the seed within. 

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Bright pink skinned twins with green long hair face each other on a light blue background. In pink type reads, “Full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini @MamaLoveshine”

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse November 30, 2020

Monday’s (November 30, 2020) full moon at 8° Gemini is extra special as it is also a partial lunar eclipse.  The sun and moon are opposite one another close to the moon’s nodes so that the earth’s shadow will cross the moon dimming its light.  Generally, the moon in Gemini is a time of duality, looking at both sides of a situation and adjusting our point of view.  As the moon is near the north node at 20° Gemini, we are focused on where we are going as souls and what will help us evolve further in our own personal spiritual quests.  This lunar eclipse starts the eclipse session as it is prior to the upcoming total solar eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 23° Sagittarius.  A lunar eclipse prior to a solar eclipse focuses on the emotional, unconscious underpinnings that may bring about sudden external events per the energy of the upcoming total solar eclipse.

The full Moon is opposite the sun in Sagittarius.  The sun is near the south node which offers a reflection of where we have been and what is comfortable to us.  What areas of our personal comfort that we heavily identify with are holding us emotionally back? The eclipse season tends to bring sudden change and will influence us for the next 6 months.  This eclipse cycle started in 1634 at the south pole and brings with it the energy of the midpoint between the planets of Venus and Pluto.  We may see sudden breakups in our relationships and patterns.  This full moon is a time of considering what has run its course in our lives that we may be led away from. 

Gemini is a fast thinking and mutable sign which can quickly jump from graven to joyful.  It easily sees issues from both sides.  The cup is always both half full and half empty and wisdom is in seeing it as both.  At a time when the people of the United States are extremely polarized, we could all stand to embrace Gemini’s mutability and see that togetherness lies in more flexibility.  Remaining at odds keeps us from moving forward and keeps us stuck in that south node past.  To move towards the future through the north node in air is to consider both sides objectively and find workable compromises that moves us forward as a united community. 

This year has been a time of forced isolation for all of us due to the pandemic.  There are emotional gifts that come from isolation though it has been a painful experience for most of us.  Gemini moon is an intellectual, fast thinking time where we can emotionally identify our blocks without as much attachment as we may have in other signs.  Let it go and avoid attachment to prepare yourself for the changes the coming eclipse season may bring. 

This time of endings is further emphasized as we approach the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 00° Aquarius on the December 21 winter solstice which will mark the beginning of a new era that is more community minded, intellectual and technology driven. 

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From the depths, comes the light New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio November 14, 2020

This evening’s new moon in Scorpio is setting the stage for the upcoming full moon/lunar eclipse on November 30, which starts the eclipse cycle.  The upcoming solar eclipse on December 14 is a Saros South 4 series eclipse indicating an emphasis on relationships, especially the ending of relationships. 

The sun and moon are conjunct tonight in Scorpio which digs in the depths of our souls to help direct us.  This new moon is a good time to review what has bothered you about your relationships over the last weeks that Mars has been retrograde.  You have been in a state of review and now Mars is starting to move forward again and you may feel compelled to start taking actions on what has been reviewed by you.  Consider that relationships speak to more than just interpersonal relationships.  You have relationships with your work/life balance, with news, with politics, with food, with hobbies.  What is no longer serving you?  Do you need to control how much access you give to the news and political turmoil of our day?

We are on the edge of a paradigm shift during this time as well.  After the December 13 eclipse, we come into Saturn and Jupiter conjoining at 0 degrees Aquarius on the winter solstice, December 21.  This is significant as it starts a 200-year cycle of Saturn and Jupiter interacting in air signs.  We finish the 200-year cycle of them interacting in physical earth.  The emphasis on material items will change to a more intellectual, community-based paradigm.  It is the end of an age and a new beginning that one could argue kicks off the switch into the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces. 

Tonight’s new moon is sextile the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction we experienced last week.  We are looking deeply into what expands and gives us power both emotionally and spiritually.  We also see Venus squaring that Jupiter/Pluto conjunction again highlighting where relationship change is needed.  

We all have the ability to create a safe, spiritual space for ourselves mentally, whether we are in the city or out in the remote countryside.  We do not have to feed into the turmoil we see playing in front of us.  We can find our own inner peace within and then radiate that out into the world.  From our depths, comes the light.  This is what we are asked to do during these “end” times.  We are birthing a new world, a new way of being.  There are those that will cling to the old and suffer for it.  This is a time of cutting cords and building new relationships.  It is time to evolve. 

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