Shine, Mama, Shine — New Moon in Leo August 8, 2021
New Moons are always a good time to set intentions. As the moon births anew from complete darkness, we can start a fresh beginning in our lives as well. Today’s new moon in Leo is especially potent for pushing forward a new path that fulfills us on a personal actualization level. Leo is ruled by the Sun and marks a time to shine brightly as your authentic self.
Today is a good day to carve out some time to focus on yourself and what you would like to manifest in your life that would fulfill you on a personal, creative level. Though the pandemic has been a major upset to our lives, it has forced us to focus on what our priorities are. Some of us have been blessed with the gift of time and quiet during lock down to question the direction our life is going and whether that is in line with our soul purpose. Many of us may have come into touch with our soul purpose through that quiet time.
Essential workers, I see you, and know you have not had a moment of quiet during these days. Yet, through that state of overwork and exhaustion, some insights may have come to you about what YOU need to be fulfilled in this lifetime.
Now is the time to act upon those insights! This is a powerful manifesting time. Spend time today making a plan of how to start or make your next step into a life that is creative and fulfilling for you personally. It’s a time to be selfish and think of what YOU need. Give yourself permission to be concerned about yourself today rather than your loved ones and those under your care.
The sun has been receiving some challenging energy from Uranus the last few days. Uranus brings sudden change, insights and possible upheaval. Take note of any jolts to your life the last couple days as those are messages from the universe that can help you hone in your vision for today’s manifesting intention.
You were born to shine! Take steps today to gift yourself, and subsequently the world, with your light.
August 8 is also the “Lion’s Gate Portal.” For more information on this must talked about portal, check out Lisa Stardust’s article at
Shine, Mama, Shine — New Moon in Leo August 8, 2021 Read More »