
Samhain/Halloween Full Moon October 31, 2020

We experienced a special full moon this morning at 7:49 a.m. PDT as it rang in the time of Samhain, known as Halloween.  The full moon in Taurus is opposite the sun in Scorpio giving us a time of deep reflection into what we honor as beauty and comfort.  Uranus is conjunct the moon indicating that some unexpected changes may occur in our unconscious.  Uranus brings us a look into the primordial chaos. We may be jolted to start new habits.  You may feel the urge to change your appearance today, beyond tonight’s costume! 

The Sun, Moon and Uranus are all at the midpoint of Mercury and the mid-heaven today as well.  According to Reinhold Ebertin’s The Combination of Stellar Influences, this is about one’s own self-knowledge and personal outlook.  This is a time of inner reflection and possible sudden change in our thoughts.  We may experience a push to act on those new insights. 

Halloween is known as Samhain for most pagan traditions.  It is the New Year’s Eve feast for the Celts and many pagans today.  According to the Witches’ Bible, it is “the mysterious moment which belonged to neither past nor present, to neither this world nor the Other.”  It is a time outside of time and thus a time when the veil between the Otherworld and physical world is at its thinnest. 

Alexei Kondratiev writes in the Apple Branch of five dominant themes of Samhain: renewal, hospitality for the dead, dissolution, timelessness, and sacrifice.  I’m going to explore folklore and traditions through these 5 themes.

Theme of Renewal

Samhain marks the death of the light half of the year and the birth of dark half of the year.  It is in darkness that all beginnings hatch.  Seeds sprout under the ground and humans begin to form in the darkness of the womb.  As we enter the dark half of the year, we enter the goddess’ cauldron of transformation.

Samhain is a time of affirming that physical death is not the final act of existence.  Samhain celebrates the triumph of life over death.

In ancient pagan times, the bonfire was a symbol of renewal.  All household fires were extinguished before Samhain. Then a large bonfire was lit on a hill. In Scotland and Wales, these were built for days ahead on the highest ground near to the house.   Then, all the households would relight their own fires from the Samhain bonfire.  This was the marking of the New Year and new projects. 

Samhain was also the time that agricultural field work was to be abandoned to make room for the new.  Any crops that were not harvested by Samhain were left to rot.  There was a belief that the “Pooka” came through and poisoned any leftover crops after Samhain.

Theme of Hospitality for the Dead

The theme of hospitality for the dead is one that crosses over many cultures.  For the celts, Feile na Marbh, was the feast of the dead where deceased ancestors and other friendly spirits are invited to the feast and to be reunited with loved ones who are otherwise separated by time and dimensions of existence.  It is considered a time to strengthen karmic ties with those that you wish to be with again through another lifetime.

Christianity tried to take over the holiday much like they did with other pagan holidays.  The aspect of communion with the dead was Christianized as All Hallows.  The date was moved to November 1 and extended to the whole church by pope Gregory IV in 834.  The reformation abolished it as it was “too pagan.”  It was formally restored by the church of England in 1928 when they assumed that the old pagan associations were dead, which we know is not true. 

Mexico has their Day of the Dead festival which also falls during the window of Samhain.  They honor their ancestors with drinking and feasting and to toast the personification of death, who was believed to take this day off as his one day off for the year.

Other cultures have a dumb supper which is a feast for the dead.  Some cultures believe in eating with the dead while others feel that the food left for the dead should not be eaten by the living.

Theme of Dissolution

Samhain is also known as mischief night and the start of the reign of the Lord of Misrule.  It is a time of looking primordial chaos in the face to discern in it the seeds of a new order. 

Samhain is a time of dressing up in masks and putting on a different face which breaks the bonds of what society expects and helps to bring about the realization of the authentic self.  Cross dressing was common during Samhain as it was a way to shed the trappings of gender.  “The dissolution of the incomplete and spiritually unproductive social persona allows the emergence of a fresh identity more open to Otherworld gifts and thus capable of magical influence of the environment,” explains Kondratiev in The Apple Branch.

Pranks are common during Samhain.  It was a time of tricking those in power to help balance the power of society. In Rome, Samhain was known as upside down day when kings were slaves and slaves were kings. 

The practice of carving pumpkins and gourds come from ancient times when faces where carved into gourds to scare off evil spirits.

Theme of Timelessness

Celtic Mythology sees Samhain as the partial return to primordial chaos.  It is the dissolution of established order in order to start anew.  This escape from the linear progression of time makes it ideal for divination. 

Most of the divination of the ancient ancestors was for future marriage partners.  Today we see divination of upcoming events of the year or issues that should be considered for the year.  There was much circumstance over who was the first visitor to the house after Samhain.  Thoughts were that a dark-skinned or darkly clothed individual brought protection to the home for the year.

Druids used hazelnuts in their divination and read the nuts as they jumped while roasting in the Samhain fire.  Today we use scrying, tarot and pendulums as ways to divine our focus on issues for the new year.

Theme of Sacrifice

Samhain was a time of giving sacrifice to the earth for blessings for the coming year’s crop.  Past ancient cultures participating in physical sacrifices as a gift of life energy to the land spirits. 

Today, the theme of sacrifice on Samhain is one of personal sacrifice.  We sacrifice our old self and issues into the Samhain fire to transform the energy into new growth within ourselves.


  • Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach to Living the Old Ways, Edain McCoy, Llewellyn Publications, 2001; ISBN 1567186637
  • The Combination of Stellar Influences, Robert Ebertin, American Federation of Astrologers, 1972; ISBN 086690087
  • Avalon Within: Inner Sovereignty and Personal Transformation Through the Avalonian Mysteries, Jhenah Telyndru, Ninth Wave Press, 2005; ISBN 1419600206
  • The Apple Branch, Alexi Kondratiev, Citadel Press, 1998; ISBN 0806525029
  • A Witches’ Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook, Janet and Stewart Farrar, Phoenix Publishing, 1996; ISBN 0919345921

Samhain/Halloween Full Moon October 31, 2020 Read More »

New Moon in Libra October 16, 2020

The pressure is on as the moon conjoins the sun in Libra today at 12:30 p.m. PDT.  As Mercury continues to retrograde in Scorpio, this is a time of digging deep within one’s shadow and identifying those places where you are off balance.  The moon/sun conjunction is in opposition to Mars, also retrograding through its home sign of Aries.  How are your own or other’s actions throwing you off balance?   Are there conflicts that you are absorbing that are not your own?  Where do you need to shore up your boundaries to bring yourself back to equilibrium? 

These have been hard, trying times and the intensity continues with this Mars to Sun/Moon opposition also at a hard 90 degree angle to the planet party we have going in Capricorn with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn all within 3 degrees of each other.  This is bringing an earthy grounding to the new moon opposition and offering choices in how we regain our balance.  Are there destructive ancestral patterns of behavior that you need to identify and release?  Are their habits and actions you should expand on?  And finally, what is working and should remain? 

As we approach the upcoming major conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, we want to be thinking about what we want to bring forth in the new paradigm we are moving into.  This new moon is a time to reflect and set those priorities of what needs to be released and what needs to be built as we walk through those gates on the winter solstice of December 21, 2020. 

The skies also indicate a time of sudden epiphanies with Mercury retrograding in Scorpio into a direct opposition with Uranus retrograding in Taurus. This becomes exact on Monday evening. As we dig into our shadows, Uranus supports flashes of insight and changes in our perspectives.

This new moon is in Libra, so it is heavily influenced by Venus, the Lady of Libra.  Venus is currently in Virgo and moving into an opposition with Neptune in its rulership of Pisces.  We may be discriminating in our relationships, but we must counter that with our dreams of what we want to create and the love we wish to bring into the world.  This is supported as Venus moves into a supportive 120-degree angles with the Capricorn party, known as a trine.    Venus trines Jupiter on Monday and then moves into trine with Pluto and Saturn throughout next week.  This is supportive in finding that ground of what we want in our relationships and creative pursuits through this moon cycle. 

Astrology Chart for New Moon of October 16, 2020.

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Aries Full Moon October 1, 2020

There have been a few astrologically significant events that have led up to the October 1st full moon which affect its energy and any workings one may do during this celestial event.  The sun shifted into Libra on September 22 beginning the dark half of the year.  We can already see and feel the shift in light.

On September 28, Mercury moved into Scorpio.  Mercury is the planet of messages, communication, intellect, and critical thinking.  Scorpio likes to dig down deep, into the murk and feel.  Mercury in Scorpio is a time of emotional shadow work.  Taking time to dig down deep into one’s feelings and critically analyze what is working for us and what is not.  What unconscious behaviors or thoughts may be limiting us and keeping us from our goals? 

Nature provides a self-care guide when we honor her ways.  This time of year, is a time of drawing in, picking the last of the harvests, getting yourself and your home ready for winter and the loss of light.  Mercury in Scorpio helps us take that drawing in into ourselves and our psyches as well.  Mercury always ingresses into Scorpio at some point in the fall but this year, we get a longer run than most years.  Mercury turns retrograde on October 14 traveling backwards through Scorpio and back in Libra on October 29 prior to our next full moon on October 31.  We will then have the opportunity for further shadow work with Mercury traveling back into Scorpio on November 11 where it will remain until the messenger planet moves on into Sagittarius on December 2. 

Looking at this with the moon cycles, it supports deep critical analysis these first two weeks after the full moon.  Then, just before the new moon of October 16, Mercury’s retrograde motion brings a time of reflection on what came up for us after the full moon.  For the next full moon on October 31, Mercury has moved into Libra to give us a more “balanced” view of our inner work. 

Another celestial event that is coloring this full moon is the square between Saturn and Mars which occurred on Tuesday, the night of the most embarrassing presidential debate in recent history.  Both Saturn and Mars are in their home signs of Capricorn and Aries respectfully and they faced each other in the sky at a 90-degree angle indicating a conflict between the two archetypes.  Saturn in Capricorn encourages progress but in a methodical, practical way, respecting the limits of physical manifestation.  Mars in Aries wants to get things done at whatever cost and as quickly as possible.  It acts first and thinks later.  Sound like that debate?

In this planetary cage fight, Saturn has the upper hand as it is “overtaking” Mars in that it is moving ahead of Mars in degrees as Mars is in retrograde motion right now, which also weakens its action.  Saturn also turned direct on Tuesday, increasing its power.  Retrograde Mars encourages us to reflect on our actions, especially those we tend to make passionately and spontaneously.  That square is still active for the full moon Thursday as the planets are just one degree apart in each of their signs.  Thus, for our reflective time this full moon, we want to think about what structures we want to build and what impulsive actions may be hindering their construction.  Dig deep with that Mercury in Scorpio to consider the ways in which you are not serving yourself with your anger or impulsiveness. 

The moon is in Aries for this full moon opposing the sun in Libra.  The moon in Aries highlights those unconscious habits and actions that we take impulsively.  This is the time to look at our unconscious behaviors with the balanced energy from the sun lighting them up.  What in the shadows is hindering our personal growth?  What is taking away from our own sense of beauty both within us and with what surrounds us in the physical world?

Shadow work can be challenging as it takes looking within in an observational rather than judgmental way.  It is important to take on this work from a place of self-love.  This is supported by the planets this full moon as Venus and the Sun are in mutual reception.  Mutual reception is when two planets are in each other’s ruling sign and thus look to each other for how to act.  The Sun is in Libra which is ruled by Venus and Venus is in Leo, ruled by the Sun.  This full moon is a time to shine the light of love on that shadow. 

Blessed Be!

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Chart for September 17, 2020 new moon

Thoughts on the New Moon of September 17, 2020

With the new moon sitting at the north bending of its nodes, the astrology of this new moon is about outward manifestation and achieving goals.  We are looking and concentrating on what will bring our own definition of worldly success.  Perhaps that is a new habit, a shedding off what is no longer serving you.  Mars stationed retrograde last Tuesday, September 9, which is a time of review of what actions we have taken that have worked and which have not garnered the results we had hoped for.  It’s a period of adjustment.  Think what has come up about your routines and normal methods of operation over the last week and consider what changes would be important to make to manifest what you would like to see within your world.  This should be your focus for this new moon. 

The new moon emphasis on worldly physical manifestation is further influenced by the favorable 120-degree trine it makes to retrograde Saturn, in its home sign of Capricorn.  Saturn is the ground rules of what can and cannot be manifested on the earthly plane.  It is boundaries and limitations but also the structures and physical box that we manifest into.  Saturn is also retrograde, so it is again a time of review.  What goals for your physical world and personal status quo have you not yet realized? Here is your focus.   With the new moon being in Virgo, we are looking at practical routines we can take up to lead us towards our goals.  This is a time for calculated, planned action not impulsive action.  Really take time to meditate and think intellectually about the results you want to manifest and the most practical way to go about pursuing those goals. 

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Pisces Full Moon September 1, 2020

I cannot help but view the upcoming full moon from the focus of the political climate here in the United States.  We are so divided as a country and last week saw those divisions now resulting in citizens killing each other in the streets. 

The full moon is a time at looking at what we have emboldened during the last two weeks.   What is coming to fruition here in the US?  The greatest division between citizens since likely the civil war.  We have a president who encourages the division and reaps praise on his followers and demonizes any citizen that disagrees with him.  This just furthers the division.  

It is within this reality I am living through as a US citizen that I look to the full moon coming up on today, Tuesday, September 1 at 10:21 pm Pacific time.  This will be on Wednesday for some.  The Full Moon is in Pisces giving us all the opportunity, should we choose to, to feel the entirety of the situation and thus to feel and empathize with those who have different political beliefs than ourselves.  The Sun and Moon are in mutable, bendable, and flexible signs to allow us to consider a path that would de-escalate the violence we see our country descending into. 

As many astrologers have been noting, the match point for the situation we are in has been struck with Mars in its home sign of Aries squaring Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn.  Two planets who both feel like they are boss right now making demands that are conflicting.  Saturn is the planet of the status quo and limitations.  This is the police and those in power feeling that their power should not be questioned.  Mars is a planet that demands action.  Mars is challenging that Saturn. It wants to see actions taken by the status quo to address the concerns of the citizens.  And Saturn in this full moon chart is quincuix the north node in Gemini.  Quincuix is an aspect where the two planets are at an angle where they basically cannot see each other.  Therefore, Saturn cannot see the future possibilities of the north node which kicks up additional fear amongst people.  We have people who fear the changes that may come, and we have people who fear that we may continue the current path we are on.  Both realities are frightening to one group or the other. 

I must give a nod to “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie because I feel the way out of all of this is that “old fashioned word” love.  “Can’t we give love one more chance?”  We see this in the full moon chart as Venus in ever caring Cancer is in opposition to that much aspected Saturn.  Venus is demanding that love be considered in the equation as well.  We must look at our current structures with love for ourselves and others and consider all sides of the situation as we look to change those structures.

Finally, we see a positive aspect of Uranus in strong and steady Taurus forming a 120-degree trine angle to the Sun in Virgo and a 60-degree sextile angle to the moon in Pisces.  These aspects are more flowing and positive.  This tells me that change is inevitable, and it will be positive for our country.  If we can balance that Saturnian energy with love and consider one another’s opinions rather than draw such hard lines in the sand, we may be able to change in a way that is acceptable to all.  Since our current leadership is promoting division, it’s up to us as individuals to pave the path to peace and unity.   

This may sound like an impossibility due to the political climate we are in two months prior to a very contested election.  I am going to spend my full moon meditation time on bringing in more love to the people of this world.  To surround those families of victims who are suffering and to warm up the hearts of those who feel their hope is lost.  Consider your actions, will they help the situation or will they just cause further division.  I am going to do my best not to feed the hate. 

“And love dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night

And love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves

This is our last dance

This is ourselves under pressure.”

David Bowie and Queen “Under Pressure”

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New Moon in Leo August 18, 2020

This new moon is finding a way to move on with our future despite the limiting structures that are in place.  This is the time to consider the current structures and situations of the world while forging forward into your inner purpose’s future.  Meditate on your own inner Leo light this evening then spend the next two weeks moving forward from that place of personal truth by taking steps towards the future you want. 

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A silver and gold Wheat dolly sits among flowers

Lammas Full Moon on August 3, 2020

The full moon in Aquarius with the Sun in Leo marks the ancient festival of Lughnasadh/ Lammas or Gwyl Awst in Welsh. Lammas is the beginning of the harvest, the time when the sun vitalizes the grain providing our nourishment for the coming year.  What are we starting to harvest personally during this time? 

This year’s Lammas Full Moon is a time to realize the fruits of our individual unique path.  The full moon is the balance of the axis between signs with today’s full moon being a balance of Leo and Aquarius.  Leo being ultra-individualistic and courageous in expressing its authentic self and Aquarius being a thoughtful sign whose ideas are with the concern of the greater community.  On this full moon we are looking at the balance of our own personal authenticity and what gifts does our authentic selves have to offer to the betterment of the community.  The key is authenticity, not the mask that you show to society, but who you really are.  Too many of us hide who we really are and ultimately don’t accept parts of ourselves due to societal pressures. Yet, the reality is we can’t properly serve our community until we are truly our authentic selves.  Bowing to societal pressure and wearing the mask that you think society wants you to wear, does not help the community but holds it back. 

This full moon is forming a T square with Uranus in Taurus.  A T Square is when two planets opposite one another while at the same time the opposing planets both form a square angle to the current placement of another planet.  Since it is a full moon, the sun and moon are opposite each other, but they also are both at a 46-degree angle to Uranus.  Uranus in Taurus is about a steady strong change or acceptance of a unique, individual path.  This gives extra emphasis about how important it is during this time of harvest to be true to your individual path as that will serve the community. 

As the harvest affects our months to come, we see in the full moon chart aggressive Mars in its home sign of Aries making a square to Jupiter in Capricorn.  Through the upcoming months Mars will square Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn as it turns retrograde on September 9.  For today’s planetary conversation, Mars has the upper hand as Jupiter does not like to be in Capricorn.  Jupiter is in “fall” in Capricorn which is the opposite of being exalted.  Capricorn does not have much time for Jupiter and it’s jovial, big expansive ideas.  The danger here is going after what you want regardless of the consequences.  You may feel motivated to push forward with the big energy of Mars, the planet of action.  Think about the consequences of your actions prior to taking them and make sure you are acting from a place of authenticity!  Jupiter is also making a positive sextile aspect to Neptune in Pisces where it can provide you with intuitive flashes of your authenticity and tune you into the collective consciousness. 

Mercury in emotional cancer is opposite Saturn in its home of Capricorn.  Mercury is also quincuix Venus in Gemini meaning it can not see or access knowledge from Venus.  Be cautious in your communications this Lammas especially with your loved ones.  Saturn can be exacting and very sure it knows what’s right.  Couple this with feeling an emotional push to communicate, and there could be words said that hurt.  Be careful to not emotionally spout off as you’re feeling that big Martian energy to push ahead with your plans. 

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Introducing the World of Mama Loveshine

It’s been years since I’ve wrote regularly.  In my early life, writing was my outlet, my release, my anger management.  I set it aside after college to make a living and raise my kids.  Oh, the writing tools are always used in the working world, but the free, unabashed sharing of my strange ideas was set aside to do more “adult” things.

I’ve felt the pull to share again through writing as I move into my nodal return in Gemini.  I am a child of the 60s whose life started during a time of social unrest and of prophets like Martin Luther King.  Many of those astrological energies that I was born under are back today as the universe continues to evolve and send humanity down a path of choice leading to our future as a beautifully diverse collective.  As I am now moving towards the crone stage of life and enough years lived on this planet to be considered an elder, the time has come for me to free my voice.

As I’m sure every single blogger has said before they took on this public writing endeavor, I have no idea where this will go.  I’m an adult with ADHD who consistently thinks in circles.  There will be a heavy nod to astrology as that is my current study and passion.  I hope to share with readers the insights I am gaining through formal astrology study at Kepler College. But like everyone, I identify in many different circles. 

Many people know me from my work as a music publicist working with progressive rock and jazz artists.  I retired from that business to work with students with disabilities.  I’ve served as a speech to text interpreter for deaf students and currently work at a university as an advisor and advocate for students with disabilities.  I’m a mother of two college aged children and a fierce advocate of transgender and disability rights.  I’m also a vegan for many personal reasons most notably that I feel it is the biggest impact I can personally make towards fighting climate change. 

Those are my roles and identities in the community that influence my personal truth.  I have the communication planet of Mercury retrograde in my natal chart and I’ve always tended to look at things differently than those around me.  I hope to express those different views in a way that will be inspirational to some and thought provoking to others.  The pages of this website will be my views and the personal truths that I have encountered.  I believe we all have our own personal truths that we must search out and honor for ourselves.  The only way you will ever know what is true is to look deeply within yourself and find it within you.  Let’s begin . . .

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