Today’s full moon in Libra reaches its fullness at 11:48 a.m. Pacific. Though the moon is in balanced, thoughtful Libra it is opposite the sun and Venus in Aries. This gives this full moon a fiery energy. The moon in Libra looks to Venus for direction as she rules the sign of Libra. Venus is next to the Sun in the sky and picks up that fierce, driven energy of Aries. This is a time when it will become clear what your next desire is and you will have the drive to go fiercely after that desire, be it a relationship, career move, or personal goal. Tap into that spring Aries energy to manifest your dreams and use the discerning, contemplating moon energy to determine the best moves to reach your goal. With the fiery energy of this full moon, be cautious in your relationships not to be too pushy or quick to argue. You may feel like any suggestion that varies from your vision is a personal assault on your goals. It is not, you just feel very passionate about where you want to go right now. It is a great time to dream but remain discerning and balanced in your approach.