Full Moon with shadow with the text, "Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Review, Rest, Release" @MamaLoveshine

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscopes

Eclipse season continues!  We have full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio happening tomorrow (May 5, 2023) morning at 10:34 a.m. Pacific time.  This full moon is the emotional processing of the solar eclipse two weeks ago and with it being in Scorpio near the moon’s south node, it’s all about releasing emotional sludge.  This is the last eclipse with the south node in Scorpio until 2040 so it is primed for some big sweeping away of emotional baggage that has developed over the last 18 months. 

The solar eclipse two weeks ago showed us the start to ending something and its now time to sweep away the emotional processing of that ending to clear the way for bringing in new opportunities and beginnings in our lives.  It’s always important to properly grief endings and many beautiful beginnings arise after an emotionally hard ending.  We must honor what was lost and grieve it, not just mentally but in the heart and through the body.

Release Emotional Sludge

I’m going to be doing a cleansing bath tomorrow morning to physically wash away those thoughts and feelings that are tied to the past.  Even when we have a beautiful, exciting new beginning ahead of us, there is a sorrow to what is lost and now of the past.  An example from my life is my children are grown up and moving into a new realm of autonomy that is wonderful to see but as a parent, there are heartstrings attached to when our children were little and would crawl up in our laps and snuggle as close as they could to us.  It’s a beautiful, cherished memory but important to release so as to not bind our children to us when they are ready to fly.   

Retrograde Time

Since the solar eclipse, we’ve also seen two planets turn retrograde encouraging us to review and renew.  Mercury turned retrograde on April 21 and will stop and turn direct on May 14.  Pluto stopped and turned backwards on May 1 and will now review the beginning of its time in Aquarius until June 11 when it backs up into Capricorn. 

This first half degree in Aquarius that Pluto has slipped its orbit into since March 23 gives us a glimpse of what the next 40 years of Pluto in Aquarius will be about.  Pluto will go back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for the next couple years, slowly bringing in a new generation.  These six weeks of Pluto reviewing the beginning of Aquarius gives us some time to process and review this brand-new world we are emerging into.  Did anyone see that the New York police department has added robot dogs to its patrol team?  Could the art of Robocop become our new reality? 

Something I noticed was that the day after Pluto went retrograde in this first degree of Aquarius, Geoffrey Hinton, one of the first artificial intelligence developers, resigned from his decade long position at Google in order to freely talk publicly about the dangers of this rapidly growing technology.  AI is becoming a reality and will likely be the major figure in the Pluto in Aquarius years.  I wonder where we will be when Pluto moves into Pisces in 2043.

Venus and Jupiter Change Signs

We also have a couple planets changing signs over the next couple weeks.  Venus will move into nurturing, homebody Cancer on May 7. You may have been looking at your relationships more intellectually the last month with Venus in Gemini and you’ll be moving into the heart center as Venus comes into the Moon’s sign.  Jupiter is also on the move as it made a super quick jaunt through Aries and will move into slow and steady Taurus on May 16.  Prepare for Jupiter to bring in some lush, beautiful possibilities.  The last weeks of the Sun being in Taurus will be quite the Venusian party with four planets (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus) hanging out in Venus’ luxurious sign.

Horoscopes by Sign

Here are your horoscopes for this new moon cycle.  Please read for your rising sign (Ascendant) if you know it, otherwise your sun sign will do:


Sometimes values change, it’s usually a slow change that you don’t necessarily notice until it’s reflected through your social groups. You may find yourself going in a different direction from those you have affiliated with in the past.  There can be a sense of loss when you realize that your life trajectory no longer lines up with some of your social groups. Grieve and release those connections that no longer fit in your life and welcome in the new band of supporters that are emerging.


This is the season of you, and you’ve been going through some identity changes.  There are possible career changes being talked about or you’re considering a different way of presenting yourself to the world. You may need to release some of your expectations or dependencies on a partner or close ally in order to fully realize how amazing you are as an individual.


Something that was hidden was revealed during the last couple weeks that has required some processing from you.  This revelation allows for a new beginning, but you’ll want to find ways to process and move the emotions of it through you.  In your case, taking care of your health through exercise, and incorporating healthy habits, will assist in moving the emotional sludge out of your system.  Inspiration and hope are there to support this new beginning.


This full moon is a time to release your emotional sludge through creative endeavors.  Draw, paint, write, sing, it’s all good for your soul. You’re seeing some endings and beginnings in your social life and may be changing up who you are hanging out with.  Pluto stationing retrograde has some messages for you from the other side.  Give your intuition space and review the messages you receive.


Leo, you’re seeing some changes in your career and public life.  There may be a job you left or need to leave to make room for the new opportunities that are coming your way.  You may find a supportive partner is key to some of these changes.  Cleaning and cleansing your home will help move that emotional sludge out of you, allowing you to come into your new opportunities baggage free.


Your belief system is getting an overhaul this eclipse season.  You may be revisiting past beliefs and having new epiphanies that are changing your usual unchanging beliefs.  There can be a grief that comes from sluffing off the outdated beliefs that are no longer resonating with your inner truth.  Journaling and speaking your truth will help you move those feelings through you.  Don’t let them remain trapped within you, write or talk it out to help you process the messages you are receiving.  Make sure to take time to exercise as well as your health is going to be important during these Pluto in Aquarius years.


Your finances are seeing transformation this eclipse season.  You may have some new opportunities revealing themselves with the support of someone else’s money.  There is likely something ending that is granting that opportunity. You may have some outdated views on money and your personal resources that you need to let go of to take in the bounty that awaits you.


Someone new may be coming into your life so its important to process any emotional fall out from past relationships to make a clean emotional slate for your next ride or die.  The feelings on this are very personal and come from the deepest part of you as an individual but deep is your middle name Scorpio.  Home is a source of transformation for you. Take some time to cleanse both yourself and your home during this full moon.


Your daily routines are all over the place this eclipse season Sagittarius.  Every time you think you have a new routine, something comes along to disrupt it. Let those frustrations go this full moon as a new routine will come into being that works for you, but you have to disengage from trying to go back to what worked in the past.  Delve into what you have tried to keep hidden from yourself and let it go. Writing and talking with family can be a pathway to transformation.


A new hobby or passion may be in order this eclipse season Capricorn.  Your resources are well spent on finding a new outlet for your passion. You may need to release outdated thoughts and feelings about your social groups, they will support you in your new endeavors, you just need to be up front and honest about what makes your soul sing.


This eclipse season is really highlighting changes at home for you Aquarius and sacrifices that may have to be made in your career or public life to accommodate those changes at home.  There is an end to part of your home situation that will open the door to something new, be sure to release any regrets or stored emotions so you can see the situation clearly.  You are entering a season of self-transformation and the clearer you can be emotionally and energetically, the smoother the ride.


There are some secrets being revealed surrounding your relatives or neighbors that may be opening a new chapter in your relationship with them.  Release your old views of those relatives or neighbors and allow yourself to see them anew.  Watch for messages from your own inner guidance of how to move forward with a fresh, new perspective.