Monday’s (November 30, 2020) full moon at 8° Gemini is extra special as it is also a partial lunar eclipse. The sun and moon are opposite one another close to the moon’s nodes so that the earth’s shadow will cross the moon dimming its light. Generally, the moon in Gemini is a time of duality, looking at both sides of a situation and adjusting our point of view. As the moon is near the north node at 20° Gemini, we are focused on where we are going as souls and what will help us evolve further in our own personal spiritual quests. This lunar eclipse starts the eclipse session as it is prior to the upcoming total solar eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 23° Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse prior to a solar eclipse focuses on the emotional, unconscious underpinnings that may bring about sudden external events per the energy of the upcoming total solar eclipse.
The full Moon is opposite the sun in Sagittarius. The sun is near the south node which offers a reflection of where we have been and what is comfortable to us. What areas of our personal comfort that we heavily identify with are holding us emotionally back? The eclipse season tends to bring sudden change and will influence us for the next 6 months. This eclipse cycle started in 1634 at the south pole and brings with it the energy of the midpoint between the planets of Venus and Pluto. We may see sudden breakups in our relationships and patterns. This full moon is a time of considering what has run its course in our lives that we may be led away from.
Gemini is a fast thinking and mutable sign which can quickly jump from graven to joyful. It easily sees issues from both sides. The cup is always both half full and half empty and wisdom is in seeing it as both. At a time when the people of the United States are extremely polarized, we could all stand to embrace Gemini’s mutability and see that togetherness lies in more flexibility. Remaining at odds keeps us from moving forward and keeps us stuck in that south node past. To move towards the future through the north node in air is to consider both sides objectively and find workable compromises that moves us forward as a united community.
This year has been a time of forced isolation for all of us due to the pandemic. There are emotional gifts that come from isolation though it has been a painful experience for most of us. Gemini moon is an intellectual, fast thinking time where we can emotionally identify our blocks without as much attachment as we may have in other signs. Let it go and avoid attachment to prepare yourself for the changes the coming eclipse season may bring.
This time of endings is further emphasized as we approach the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 00° Aquarius on the December 21 winter solstice which will mark the beginning of a new era that is more community minded, intellectual and technology driven.