Picture of Sun and Moon overlapping with text "Solar Eclipse 11:42 PM PDT, 12/3/21, @MamaLoveshine

Happy, Joyful Eclipse opens up the holiday season

This evening we will have a solar eclipse for the new moon in Sagittarius.  The peak of the eclipse will be at 11:42 pm Pacific time, December 3 but will only be viewable near the south pole of the world.  Eclipses are intense energy that can be very unpredictable, so it is recommended that you suspend any formal rituals or magic workings on this evening.  This eclipse is one of great possibility and is part of a series of eclipses that brings joyful, beneficial peak experiences.  It is up to us and where we place our focus as we go into this new cycle and the eclipse energy that will be set for the next 6 months.  With the new moon being ruled by Jupiter and Neptune going direct in Pisces, this is a time to dream big positive dreams of how we would like to expand, especially our spiritually and philosophy.  With eclipse occurring on the south node of the mode, it is a time of letting go and removing obstacles from our life that may interfere with the dreams and visions we are creating and invoking in our lives.  This is a time to look within for your inner truth and be guided by your own compass not the media talk boxes that are constantly in our ears these days.  In our duality world, there is always a counterpoint to any positive energy.  The danger of Jupiterian energy, such as today’s eclipse, is one of fanaticism, being so sure in your own beliefs that you try to force those views on others.  What may be true for you does not mean it is true for others.  In order to respect your own sovereignty, you must respect the sovereignty of others. 

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