Planets on a blue background with the text, "Set a path for your own evolution, new moon in Aquarius, @MamaLoveshine"

New Moon in Aquarius February 11, 2021

Today’s new moon in Aquarius finds itself at the late degrees of a 6 planet stellium in Aquarius thus amplifying that Aquarian energy as we set this cycle’s intention during the birth of the new moon.  There is much debate among astrologers as to when the Age of Pisces ends, and the Age of Aquarius begins.  As a studying astrologer, I do not wish to go against those with much more experience than I and say definitively that we are entering that new Age.  But, after December’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and today’s emphasis that features a Jupiter/Venus conjunction, Aquarian themes are at the forefront of the planet’s collective.

It is a time to be innovative, idealistic, imaginative, and inventive.  This is emphasized with the square aspect that Uranus is making today to Aquarius’ traditional ruler of Saturn.  Many modern astrologers will give Aquarius rulership in Uranus as well which makes this conversation between Saturn and Uranus especially interesting.  Uranus sits in the strength and beauty of earthly Taurus but both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs.  Thus, there may be a tendency to be a bit too rigid in our thinking.  You may feel fixed in your opinions and that your way is the “right” way for things to be done while others who disagree with you are wrong.  Be careful not to be inflexible.  Be gentle and patient as you focus your personal intuition to see where you can be innovative within your own life. 

We are currently in a Mercury retrograde until February 20 so communication may be crisscrossed, and technology may have a mind of its own.  I have seen some talk in the media villainizing technology.  Comedian Bill Maher claimed on his program last week that phones were “ruining” the youth.  Everything has a positive and negative side.  Do your best not to dwell on the problems of technology that you miss the benefits and beauty of living with the advanced technology we have.  Thanks to technology we can still communicate and have some sort of human connection while keeping the most vulnerable safe from the current pandemic.  As above, so below.  All manners are the balance of opposites.  We are best to not over emphasize what we judge as “good” or “bad.”  The sweet spot is the spot of balance which we are reminded of by the favorable trine today’s Aquarian planets have with the north node of moon, indicating that through balance we can evolve into a diplomatic and humanitarian future. 

What is your role in this evolution?  Consider that today, February 11 as the moon births anew at 11:05 a.m. Pacific.