The pressure is on as the moon conjoins the sun in Libra today at 12:30 p.m. PDT. As Mercury continues to retrograde in Scorpio, this is a time of digging deep within one’s shadow and identifying those places where you are off balance. The moon/sun conjunction is in opposition to Mars, also retrograding through its home sign of Aries. How are your own or other’s actions throwing you off balance? Are there conflicts that you are absorbing that are not your own? Where do you need to shore up your boundaries to bring yourself back to equilibrium?
These have been hard, trying times and the intensity continues with this Mars to Sun/Moon opposition also at a hard 90 degree angle to the planet party we have going in Capricorn with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn all within 3 degrees of each other. This is bringing an earthy grounding to the new moon opposition and offering choices in how we regain our balance. Are there destructive ancestral patterns of behavior that you need to identify and release? Are their habits and actions you should expand on? And finally, what is working and should remain?
As we approach the upcoming major conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, we want to be thinking about what we want to bring forth in the new paradigm we are moving into. This new moon is a time to reflect and set those priorities of what needs to be released and what needs to be built as we walk through those gates on the winter solstice of December 21, 2020.
The skies also indicate a time of sudden epiphanies with Mercury retrograding in Scorpio into a direct opposition with Uranus retrograding in Taurus. This becomes exact on Monday evening. As we dig into our shadows, Uranus supports flashes of insight and changes in our perspectives.
This new moon is in Libra, so it is heavily influenced by Venus, the Lady of Libra. Venus is currently in Virgo and moving into an opposition with Neptune in its rulership of Pisces. We may be discriminating in our relationships, but we must counter that with our dreams of what we want to create and the love we wish to bring into the world. This is supported as Venus moves into a supportive 120-degree angles with the Capricorn party, known as a trine. Venus trines Jupiter on Monday and then moves into trine with Pluto and Saturn throughout next week. This is supportive in finding that ground of what we want in our relationships and creative pursuits through this moon cycle.
![Astrology Chart for New Moon of October 16, 2020.](