From the depths, comes the light New Moon in Scorpio

New Moon in Scorpio November 14, 2020

This evening’s new moon in Scorpio is setting the stage for the upcoming full moon/lunar eclipse on November 30, which starts the eclipse cycle.  The upcoming solar eclipse on December 14 is a Saros South 4 series eclipse indicating an emphasis on relationships, especially the ending of relationships. 

The sun and moon are conjunct tonight in Scorpio which digs in the depths of our souls to help direct us.  This new moon is a good time to review what has bothered you about your relationships over the last weeks that Mars has been retrograde.  You have been in a state of review and now Mars is starting to move forward again and you may feel compelled to start taking actions on what has been reviewed by you.  Consider that relationships speak to more than just interpersonal relationships.  You have relationships with your work/life balance, with news, with politics, with food, with hobbies.  What is no longer serving you?  Do you need to control how much access you give to the news and political turmoil of our day?

We are on the edge of a paradigm shift during this time as well.  After the December 13 eclipse, we come into Saturn and Jupiter conjoining at 0 degrees Aquarius on the winter solstice, December 21.  This is significant as it starts a 200-year cycle of Saturn and Jupiter interacting in air signs.  We finish the 200-year cycle of them interacting in physical earth.  The emphasis on material items will change to a more intellectual, community-based paradigm.  It is the end of an age and a new beginning that one could argue kicks off the switch into the age of Aquarius from the age of Pisces. 

Tonight’s new moon is sextile the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction we experienced last week.  We are looking deeply into what expands and gives us power both emotionally and spiritually.  We also see Venus squaring that Jupiter/Pluto conjunction again highlighting where relationship change is needed.  

We all have the ability to create a safe, spiritual space for ourselves mentally, whether we are in the city or out in the remote countryside.  We do not have to feed into the turmoil we see playing in front of us.  We can find our own inner peace within and then radiate that out into the world.  From our depths, comes the light.  This is what we are asked to do during these “end” times.  We are birthing a new world, a new way of being.  There are those that will cling to the old and suffer for it.  This is a time of cutting cords and building new relationships.  It is time to evolve. 

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