Full moon image on black ground with the text, “Transform. Break through personal barriers by allowing endings and moving in a new direction. @MamaLoveshine

Transformative Full Moon at 7:56 a.m. PDT on October 20, 2021

Tomorrow morning’s full moon can be transformative as Pluto has been having quite the conversation with the Sun and Mars this week.  The full moon is happening at 27 degrees of Aries as it directly opposes the Sun in Libra, a position of fall for the sun as it is losing it light going into the dark half of the year.  You may feel this full Moon even more intensely if you have personal planets in your birth chart within a degree or two of 27 degrees depending on the angles those natal planets in your personal birth chart make with the Sun and Moon.

We come into this full moon with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury all finishing their retrograde cycles throughout this month and now all forging ahead in the sky.  The result is a go-getting cardinal Aries full moon where breakthroughs and forward movement may come on something that has been stuck for a while. 

But Pluto is the real change maker in tomorrow’s full Moon as it just formed a conflicting square aspect with the Sun on Sunday and is moving into another challenging square with Mars on Thursday.  Squares represent challenges and confrontations between planets.  They are not directly opposed but giving each other a “side-eye.”  Think of the phrase “squaring off” against someone in a competitive way. 

Pluto is about power, death, destruction and the transformation that comes from that.  Something must end before something begins.  This energy is “squaring off” against a Mars energy in Libra, again a sign which is losing light and weakening.  Libra is a place where Mars is weakened as it is the sign opposite Mars’ home of Aries.  The Moon in Mars’ home sign of Aries emotionally wants to see things move forward and some action to take place.  Mars wants to support that action but may be more thoughtful about its actions.  Mars is making a positive aspect to Jupiter which suggests a positive forward movement.  So, it is a time where if you face your challenges honestly and let go of what may have been a barrier for you, you will find some forward momentum in a new direction. 

Mars/Pluto interactions can lead to some anger issues so focus on meeting people with love and kindness.  You may feel your anger fuse is short, stay aware of your mood and focus inward if you feel your irritation building.  This moon will bring break throughs for those who focus on their own journeys and how they can push through personal barriers rather than focusing on external irritants and injustices. 

Enjoy our big, beautiful night light tonight and prepare as we in the northern hemisphere collectively descend into the dark half of the year.